Additional Thanks!

November 22, 2011

Here are 3 letters of thanks that my shipmates and I received on return from our first deployment in 1972.  These are from commanders way up the chain of command, but still affirmation that we did our job well.  You’re welcome!

Click to enlarge

From the Commander of the Seventh Fleet

From the Commander of the Seventh Fleet

From the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet

From the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet

From the Commander of Cruiser Destroyer Flotilla Three

From the Commander of Cruiser Destroyer Flotilla Three

As I mentioned in the Veterans Day 2011 article, the thanks for us were few and far between.  For me, I just considered the benefits of being a vet as enough, nothing more.  The state of Washington gave vets a check for $250 as a thanks for service.  I went to 2 years of college on the GI Bill.  That was a “thanks”.  I had a brand new house built with help from the VA $0 down Home Loan Program.  Thanks!  I had a job where I went through an apprentice program and was eligible to receive a small check monthly for being a vet.  Thanks!   And now that my wife has retired and we dropped my insurance, I’m getting medical care from a VA Hospital.  Another thank you!